Quick Start

Select [4]User Service from the main screen to display the sub-service options.

||     _    _                  _____                 _              ||
||    | |  | |                / ____|               (_)             ||
||    | |  | |___  ___ _ __  | (___   ___ _ ____   ___  ___ ___     ||
||    | |  | / __|/ _ \ '__|  \___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / |/ __/ _ \    ||
||    | |__| \__ \  __/ |     ____) |  __/ |   \ V /| | (_|  __/    ||
||     \____/|___/\___|_|    |_____/ \___|_|    \_/ |_|\___\___|    ||
||                                                                  ||
||                                                                  ||
[B] Press B to UpperLevel
[1]    Show Running User Service
[2]    Show Usable User Service
[3]    Show Past User Service
[4]    Show Abort User Service
[5]    Show Notice Message
  • [1]Show Running User Service: display running user services
  • [2]Show Usable User Service: display paid but yet unused user services
  • [3]Show Past User Service: display completed user services
  • [4]Show Abort User Service: display cancelled user services
  • [5]Show Notice Message: display the service notification messages

Start Service

For a service that contains multiple Resource Units, you can create multiple child containers in the same service. The total number of Resource Units used by all child containers must not exceed the total number of Resource Units. Each Resource Unit provides a single port, and the total number of ports used by all child containers must not exceed the total number of ports corresponding to the service's Resource Units. The child containers run in a shared network and therefore must use different docker images and container ports.

  1. Select [2]Show Usable User Service in the User Service tab.
  2. Select [S]Start a service.
  3. Follow the prompt Please enter the User Service INDEX, enter the index number of the service you want to start.
  4. Follow the prompt Please enter the number of containers you want to create, enter the number of containers you want to create.
  5. Then follow the prompts to complete the parameter settings for each container.
  • Enter a name for your container as prompted (Please enter a valid name of the container).
  • Choose whether you want to use a private image (Do you want to use a private image?).
  • Enter the name of the image on the Docker Hub or Github Container Registry that you want to launch (Please enter the image name on Docker Hub or Github Container Registry).
  • If you choose to use a private image, Please input the access token (recommended) or password and enter the access token or password of the private image.
  • Follow the prompt Please enter the number of units you want to use for this container.
  • Follow the prompt Please enter the number of ports you want to use for this container. If Specified Service Port was selected when purchasing the service, you can specify your own host port and the corresponding network protocol type here.
  • Set the container port,host port, and protocol, according to the prompts.
  • For services that use persistent storage, at least one mount path parameter needs to be set.
  • Optional parameters such as env params, command, arguments (which are similar to the concepts of Docker Containers) can also be entered. For parameters you don't need, just press Enter and leave them blank.
  • For services that require the use of container config files, you can set a path in the container to store config files and specify the path of the local config file you want to use.

For example:

                     Usable User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │ Servi… │ Creat… │ Dura… │ Expir… │ Refu… │
│       │                          │  Type  │  Time  │ (HOU… │  Time  │       │
│   0   │ 635a5cad246ef4ac93539a1b │ Conta… │ 2022-… │   9   │ xxxxxx │ True  │
│       │                          │ Servi… │ 18:26… │       │        │       │
│   1   │ 636b5c6e220134584907b8d9 │ Conta… │ 2022-… │   7   │ xxxxxx │ True  │
│       │                          │ Servi… │ 15:54… │       │        │       │
│      [P]rev                                [E]xit                           │
│      [D]User Service Detail                [A]User Service API Access       │
│      [S]Start a service                    [F]Refund Service                │
navigate to: s
Please enter the User Service INDEX: 1
Please enter the number of containers you want to create (max 2): 2
Please set config for Container 1:
Please enter a valid name of the container: container1
Do you want to use a private image? (default n) [y/N]: y
Please enter the image name on Docker Hub or Github Container Registry: alice/nginx:latest
Please input the access token (recommended) or password:
Please enter the number of units you want to use for this container (2 unit usable): 1
Please enter the number of ports you want to use for this container (2 host usable): 1
1 port(s) will be set for container1
Container and host port 1:
Please enter the container port(1-65535): 9001
Please enter the host port(1-65535): 9001
Please enter the host protocol(TCP or UDP, default TCP):
Please input the number of env params you want(optional): 2
Please enter the name for env 1(symbols only contain '-', '.', '_' and cannot start with a number): pubkey
Please enter the value for pubkey(not empty): pubkey-value
Please enter the name for env 2(symbols only contain '-', '.', '_' and cannot start with a number): resource
Please enter the value for resource(not empty): 2
Please enter the directory to mount the data: /Users/username/container1
Please input command(optional) : iperf3
Please input arguments (optional) : -s
Please set config for Container 2:
Please enter a valid name of the container: container2
Do you want to use a private image? (default n) [y/N]: n
Please enter the image name on Docker Hub or Github Container Registry: ghcr.io/alice/redis:latest
Please enter the number of units you want to use for this container (1 unit usable): 1
Please enter the number of ports you want to use for this container (1 host usable): 1
1 port(s) will be set for container2
Container and host port 1:
Please enter the container port(1-65535): 9002
Please enter the host port(1-65535): 9002
Please enter the host protocol(TCP or UDP, default TCP):udp
Please input the number of env params you want(optional):
Please enter the directory to mount the data: /Users/username/container2
Please input command(optional) : iperf3
Please input arguments (optional) : -s
Please set config mounted path inside container (optional) (example: /config/config.yaml): /config/config.yaml
Please input the path of your local config file: /Users/user/develop/platform-config.yaml
User Service 636b5c6e220134584907b8d9 has been deployed successfully!

View Service Log

  1. In the User Service tab, select [1]Show Running User Service to get a list of running services.
  2. Enter t to select [T]Tail Service Log.
  3. Follow the prompt Please enter the User Service INDEX, enter the index number to select a service.
  4. If the current service contains multiple sub-containers, you need to select a sub-container according to the prompt and press Enter to confirm.
  5. Press Enter to stop displaying logs.

For example:

                                              Running User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │     Start Time      │ Duration (HOUR) │   Expiration Time   │ Refundable │  Status   │ Description │ Label │
│   0   │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:10:00 │        52022-11-24 15:10:00 │    True    │ Activated │      -      │ prod  │
│   1   │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:13:00 │        12022-11-24 11:13:00 │    True    │ Activated │  seed desc  │   -   │
│   2   │ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:15:06 │        62022-11-24 16:15:06 │    True    │  Paused   │      -      │ test  │
│                           [P]rev                                                                           [E]xit                                                 │
│                           [D]User Service Detail                                                           [A]User Service API Access                             │
│                           [T]Tail Service Log                                                              [B]Domain Name                                         │
│                           [S]Service Status                                                                [R]Restart Service                                     │
│                           [F]Refund Service                                                                [G]Renew Service                                       │
│                           [P]Pause Service                                                                 [Q]Resume Service                                      │
│                           [H]Update Image                                                                  [C]Container Config                                    │
│                           [U]Update Config                                                                 [V]Update Deployment                                   │
│                           [L]Set Label                                                                     [M]Set Description                                     │
navigate to: t
Please enter the User Service INDEX: 1
                     Choose Container
│ Index │ Container Name │           Image Name           │
│   0   │   container2   │ docker.io/library/redis:latest │
│   1   │   container1   │ docker.io/library/nginx:latest │
Please choose a container and enter the INDEX: 1
Press ENTER to stop log...
/docker-entrypoint.sh: /docker-entrypoint.d/ is not empty, will attempt to perform configuration
/docker-entrypoint.sh: Looking for shell scripts in /docker-entrypoint.d/
/docker-entrypoint.sh: Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/10-listen-on-ipv6-by-default.sh
10-listen-on-ipv6-by-default.sh: info: Getting the checksum of /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
10-listen-on-ipv6-by-default.sh: info: Enabled listen on IPv6 in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
/docker-entrypoint.sh: Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/20-envsubst-on-templates.sh
/docker-entrypoint.sh: Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/30-tune-worker-processes.sh
/docker-entrypoint.sh: Configuration complete; ready for start up
2022/11/23 03:52:17  1#1: using the "epoll" event method
2022/11/23 03:52:17  1#1: nginx/1.22.1
2022/11/23 03:52:17  1#1: built by gcc 11.2.1 20220219 (Alpine 11.2.1_git20220219)
2022/11/23 03:52:17  1#1: OS: Linux 5.4.0-60-generic
2022/11/23 03:52:17  1#1: getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE): 65536:65536
2022/11/23 03:52:17  1#1: start worker processes
2022/11/23 03:52:17  1#1: start worker process 30
2022/11/23 03:52:17  1#1: start worker process 31
2022/11/23 03:52:17  1#1: start worker process 32
2022/11/23 03:52:17  1#1: start worker process 33
2022/11/23 03:52:17  1#1: start worker process 34
2022/11/23 03:52:17  1#1: start worker process 35
2022/11/23 03:52:17  1#1: start worker process 36
2022/11/23 03:52:17  1#1: start worker process 37

View Service Status Information

  1. In the User Service tab, select[1]Show Running User Service.
  2. Enter s to select [S]Service Status.
  3. Follow the prompt Please enter the user service index (default All):, enter the index number to select a User Service and get its status. Or you can just enter an empty space to retrieve the status of all user services on this page.
  4. Then you can enter m to check the resource usage of a service.

For example:

                                              Running User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │     Start Time      │ Duration (HOUR) │   Expiration Time   │ Refundable │  Status   │ Description │ Label │
│   0   │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:10:00 │        52022-11-24 15:10:00 │    True    │ Activated │      -      │ prod  │
│   1   │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:13:00 │        12022-11-24 11:13:00 │    True    │ Activated │  seed desc  │   -   │
│   2   │ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:15:06 │        62022-11-24 16:15:06 │    True    │  Paused   │      -      │ test  │
│                           [P]rev                                                                           [E]xit                                                 │
│                           [D]User Service Detail                                                           [A]User Service API Access                             │
│                           [T]Tail Service Log                                                              [B]Domain Name                                         │
│                           [S]Service Status                                                                [R]Restart Service                                     │
│                           [F]Refund Service                                                                [G]Renew Service                                       │
│                           [P]Pause Service                                                                 [Q]Resume Service                                      │
│                           [H]Update Image                                                                  [C]Container Config                                    │
│                           [U]Update Config                                                                 [V]Update Deployment                                   │
│                           [L]Set Label                                                                     [M]Set Description                                     │
navigate to: m
Please enter the user service index (default All): 2
Querying data... ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00
                                                                          User Service Status
│     User Service ID      │ Container Name │ Region │             Image              │ Memory │ Container Status │ Env List  │    Host IP     │ Port Spec           │
│ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │   container1   │ Europe │ docker.io/library/redis:latest │  1Gi   │     running      │ air: test89.163.242.240 │ hostPort: 44844     │
│                          │                │        │                                │        │                  │           │                │ containerPort: 9002 │
│                          │                │        │                                │        │                  │           │                │ protocol: TCP       │
│                          │                │        │                                │        │                  │           │                │                     │
│ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │   container2   │ Europe │ docker.io/library/nginx:latest │  1Gi   │     running      │ air: test89.163.242.240 │ hostPort: 40814     │
│                          │                │        │                                │        │                  │           │                │ containerPort: 9001 │
│                          │                │        │                                │        │                  │           │                │ protocol: TCP       │
│                          │                │        │                                │        │                  │           │                │                     │
│                                    [P]rev                                                                            [E]xit                                        │
│                                    [M]Monitor                                                                                                                      │
navigate to: m
Please enter the Service INDEX: 0
│     User Service ID      │ Container Name │ CPU  │                Memory                │ Network Download │ Network Upload │ Storage │        Time         │
│ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │   container1   │ 0.0% │ 10,399,744 byte / 1,073,741,824 byte │      0 bps       │     1 bps      │    -    │ 2023-11-28 14:36:43 │
│                                    [P]rev                                                                            [E]xit                                        │
│                                    [R]Refresh                                                                                                                      │

Get User Service API Access

  1. In the User Service tab, select[1]Show Running User Service or [2]Show Usable User Service.
  2. Enter a to select [A]User Service API Access.
  3. Follow the prompt Please enter the User Service INDEX, enter the index number to select a user service and get its secret key.

For example:

                                               Usable User Service Information Table
  │ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │    Creation Time    │ Duration (HOUR) │ Expiration Time │ Refundable │
  │   0   │ 62eb414017600547fb5118bb │ Container Service │ 2022-08-04 11:47:57 │        7        │     xxxxxx      │    True    │
  │   1   │ 6322f61eba21a6501756fb4f │ Container Service │ 2022-09-15 17:54:08 │       11        │     xxxxxx      │    True    │
  │   2   │ 6348c0dc4aeb9f960c72b7e7 │ Container Service │ 2022-10-14 09:53:08 │        8        │     xxxxxx      │    True    │
│                   [P]rev                                                          [E]xit                                        │
│                   [D]User Service Detail                                          [A]User Service API Access                    │
│                   [S]Start a service                                              [F]Refund Service                             │
navigate to: a
Please enter the User Service INDEX: 2
╭─────────────────────────────────────────────────── Service Login Information ───────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ {'Secret': 'L1AcYLdtFqRCC7PSRi5NJpUb9hd12DQNpAFyafwbR5baUCgrw5AfrhDSDuvunZRBNbuuKxrXPyQNpmW1GADio5N8AaP7kkhd2hZQykCT41kKSMMN3ry │
│ 1CyysBLjSpMQDWQ4XeCNe89h6Dps5KDhb7TogovE4XPofkDYPNBn6XBMWxXzLwZ8KwBFfmcZXcC5DhKG4q32edZfSGVPhiptPq5SA8urzzWCkvUD27BdYWdt9FS4oua │
│ kaW92xfE'}                                                                                                                      │

Bind Domain Name

Now the domain name service supports binding up to 10 domain names.

  1. Obtain the Host IP and Container Port of the target user service from Service Status Information.
  2. Go to the DNS setting of your domain name registrar, set the Host IP of this user service as the A Record of the domain name. Wait for the configuration to take effect.
  3. Select [1]Show Running User Service in the User Service screen.
  4. Enter b to select [B]Domain Name and enter the index number of a user service to get its bounded domain names.
  5. Enter b to select [B]Bind Domain Name. Follow the prompt Please input the domain name, enter the (sub)domain name you want to bind.
  6. Follow the prompt Please enter the container port and enter the Container Port you want to map to.
  7. Follow the prompt Do you want to use https and choose whether to use https.
  8. Wait for the configuration to take effect.
  9. Note that the use https setting of the same domain under a specific user service can only be configured during the initial binding. To modify this setting, you must unbind or clean up all related domain names first.

For example:

                                              Running User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │     Start Time      │ Duration (HOUR) │   Expiration Time   │ Refundable │  Status   │ Description │ Label │
│   0   │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:10:00 │        52022-11-24 15:10:00 │    True    │ Activated │      -      │ prod  │
│   1   │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:13:00 │        12022-11-24 11:13:00 │    True    │ Activated │  seed desc  │   -   │
│   2   │ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:15:06 │        62022-11-24 16:15:06 │    True    │  Paused   │      -      │ test  │
│                           [P]rev                                                                           [E]xit                                                 │
│                           [D]User Service Detail                                                           [A]User Service API Access                             │
│                           [T]Tail Service Log                                                              [B]Domain Name                                         │
│                           [S]Service Status                                                                [R]Restart Service                                     │
│                           [F]Refund Service                                                                [G]Renew Service                                       │
│                           [P]Pause Service                                                                 [Q]Resume Service                                      │
│                           [H]Update Image                                                                  [C]Container Config                                    │
│                           [U]Update Config                                                                 [V]Update Deployment                                   │
│                           [L]Set Label                                                                     [M]Set Description                                     │
navigate to: b
Please enter the User Service INDEX: 2
                                                            Domain Name
                                     │ Index │   Domain Name    │ Container Port │ Is Https │
                                     │   0   │  a.example.com   │      9003      │   True   │
                                     │   1   │  b.example.com   │      9004      │   True   │
│                   [P]rev                                                          [E]xit                                        │
│                   [B]Bind Domain Name                                             [C]Clean Up Domain Name                       │
│                   [U]Unbind Domain Name                                                                                         │
navigate to: b
Please input the domain name: c.example.com
Please enter the container port: 9045
Https can only be set when the domain name is bound for the first time.
Do you want to use https (default Y)[Y/n]:
Success. Press ENTER to continue...

Unbind Domain Name

  1. Select [1]Show Running User Service in the User Service tab.
  2. Enter b to select [B]Domain Name and enter the index number of a user service to get its bounded domain names.
  3. Enter u to select [U]Unbind Domain Name. Follow the prompt Please input index numbers of the domain name you want to unbind, enter the index numbers of the domain names you want to unbind, separated by comma or space.
  4. Follow the prompt Are you sure you want to unbind the domain, enter y to confirm.

For example:

                                              Running User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │     Start Time      │ Duration (HOUR) │   Expiration Time   │ Refundable │  Status   │ Description │ Label │
│   0   │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:10:00 │        52022-11-24 15:10:00 │    True    │ Activated │      -      │ prod  │
│   1   │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:13:00 │        12022-11-24 11:13:00 │    True    │ Activated │  seed desc  │   -   │
│   2   │ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:15:06 │        62022-11-24 16:15:06 │    True    │  Paused   │      -      │ test  │
│                           [P]rev                                                                           [E]xit                                                 │
│                           [D]User Service Detail                                                           [A]User Service API Access                             │
│                           [T]Tail Service Log                                                              [B]Domain Name                                         │
│                           [S]Service Status                                                                [R]Restart Service                                     │
│                           [F]Refund Service                                                                [G]Renew Service                                       │
│                           [P]Pause Service                                                                 [Q]Resume Service                                      │
│                           [H]Update Image                                                                  [C]Container Config                                    │
│                           [U]Update Config                                                                 [V]Update Deployment                                   │
│                           [L]Set Label                                                                     [M]Set Description                                     │
navigate to: b
Please enter the User Service INDEX: 2
                                                            Domain Name
                                     │ Index │   Domain Name    │ Container Port │ Is Https │
                                     │   0   │  a.example.com   │      9003      │   True   │
                                     │   1   │  b.example.com   │      9004      │   True   │
│                   [P]rev                                                          [E]xit                                        │
│                   [B]Bind Domain Name                                             [C]Clean Up Domain Name                       │
│                   [U]Unbind Domain Name                                                                                         │
navigate to: u
Please input index numbers of the domain name you want to unbind (separated by space or comma): 0,1
Are you sure you want to unbind the domain a.example.com, b.example.com (default n) [y/N]: y
Success. Press ENTER to continue...

Clean Up Domain Name

  1. Select [1]Show Running User Service in the User Service tab.
  2. Enter b to select [B]Domain Name and enter the index number of a user service to get its bounded domain names.
  3. Follow the prompt Are you sure you want to clean up all domain names for user service, enter y to confirm.

For example:

                                              Running User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │     Start Time      │ Duration (HOUR) │   Expiration Time   │ Refundable │  Status   │ Description │ Label │
│   0   │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:10:00 │        52022-11-24 15:10:00 │    True    │ Activated │      -      │ prod  │
│   1   │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:13:00 │        12022-11-24 11:13:00 │    True    │ Activated │  seed desc  │   -   │
│   2   │ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:15:06 │        62022-11-24 16:15:06 │    True    │  Paused   │      -      │ test  │
│                           [P]rev                                                                           [E]xit                                                 │
│                           [D]User Service Detail                                                           [A]User Service API Access                             │
│                           [T]Tail Service Log                                                              [B]Domain Name                                         │
│                           [S]Service Status                                                                [R]Restart Service                                     │
│                           [F]Refund Service                                                                [G]Renew Service                                       │
│                           [P]Pause Service                                                                 [Q]Resume Service                                      │
│                           [H]Update Image                                                                  [C]Container Config                                    │
│                           [U]Update Config                                                                 [V]Update Deployment                                   │
│                           [L]Set Label                                                                     [M]Set Description                                     │
navigate to: b
Please enter the User Service INDEX: 2
                                                            Domain Name
                                     │ Index │   Domain Name    │ Container Port │ Is Https │
                                     │   0   │  a.example.com   │      9003      │   True   │
                                     │   1   │  b.example.com   │      9004      │   True   │
│                   [P]rev                                                          [E]xit                                        │
│                   [B]Bind Domain Name                                             [C]Clean Up Domain Name                       │
│                   [U]Unbind Domain Name                                                                                         │
navigate to: c
Are you sure you want to clean up all domain names for user service 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 (default n) [y/N]: y
Success. Press ENTER to continue...

Restart Service

  1. Select [1]Show Running User Service in the User Service tab.
  2. Enter r to select [R]Restart Service.
  3. Enter the index number of the user service you want to restart, and enter y to confirm.

For example:

                                              Running User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │     Start Time      │ Duration (HOUR) │   Expiration Time   │ Refundable │  Status   │ Description │ Label │
│   0   │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:10:00 │        52022-11-24 15:10:00 │    True    │ Activated │      -      │ prod  │
│   1   │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:13:00 │        12022-11-24 11:13:00 │    True    │ Activated │  seed desc  │   -   │
│   2   │ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:15:06 │        62022-11-24 16:15:06 │    True    │  Paused   │      -      │ test  │
│                           [P]rev                                                                           [E]xit                                                 │
│                           [D]User Service Detail                                                           [A]User Service API Access                             │
│                           [T]Tail Service Log                                                              [B]Domain Name                                         │
│                           [S]Service Status                                                                [R]Restart Service                                     │
│                           [F]Refund Service                                                                [G]Renew Service                                       │
│                           [P]Pause Service                                                                 [Q]Resume Service                                      │
│                           [H]Update Image                                                                  [C]Container Config                                    │
│                           [U]Update Config                                                                 [V]Update Deployment                                   │
│                           [L]Set Label                                                                     [M]Set Description                                     │
navigate to: r
Please enter the User Service INDEX: 2
Are you sure you want to restart the user services(default n) [y/N]: y
Success. Service is restarting. Please wait.

Update Image

  1. Select [1]Show Running User Service in the User Service tab.
  2. Enter h to select [H]Update Image.
  3. Enter the index number of the service you want to use.
  4. Choose whether to use a private image (Do you want to use a private image?).
  5. Follow the prompt Please enter the image name on Docker Hub or Github Container Registryand enter the name of the image on the Docker Hub or Github Container Registry that you want to launch.
  6. If you choose to use a private image, please follow the prompt Please input the access token (recommended) or password and enter the access token or password for the private image.
  7. Enter y to confirm.

For example:

                                              Running User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │     Start Time      │ Duration (HOUR) │   Expiration Time   │ Refundable │  Status   │ Description │ Label │
│   0   │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:10:00 │        52022-11-24 15:10:00 │    True    │ Activated │      -      │ prod  │
│   1   │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:13:00 │        12022-11-24 11:13:00 │    True    │ Activated │  seed desc  │   -   │
│   2   │ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:15:06 │        62022-11-24 16:15:06 │    True    │  Paused   │      -      │ test  │
│                           [P]rev                                                                           [E]xit                                                 │
│                           [D]User Service Detail                                                           [A]User Service API Access                             │
│                           [T]Tail Service Log                                                              [B]Domain Name                                         │
│                           [S]Service Status                                                                [R]Restart Service                                     │
│                           [F]Refund Service                                                                [G]Renew Service                                       │
│                           [P]Pause Service                                                                 [Q]Resume Service                                      │
│                           [H]Update Image                                                                  [C]Container Config                                    │
│                           [U]Update Config                                                                 [V]Update Deployment                                   │
│                           [L]Set Label                                                                     [M]Set Description                                     │
navigate to: h
Please enter the User Service INDEX: 2
Please input the image name: nginx:1.23
Are you sure you want to update the image to nginx:1.23 (default n) [y/N]: y
Success. Press ENTER to continue...

View Container Config

  1. Select [1]Show Running User Service in the User Service tab.
  2. Enter c to select [C]Container Config.
  3. Enter the index number of a user service to get its container configuration.

For example:

                                              Running User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │     Start Time      │ Duration (HOUR) │   Expiration Time   │ Refundable │  Status   │ Description │ Label │
│   0   │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:10:00 │        52022-11-24 15:10:00 │    True    │ Activated │      -      │ prod  │
│   1   │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:13:00 │        12022-11-24 11:13:00 │    True    │ Activated │  seed desc  │   -   │
│   2   │ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:15:06 │        62022-11-24 16:15:06 │    True    │  Paused   │      -      │ test  │
│                           [P]rev                                                                           [E]xit                                                 │
│                           [D]User Service Detail                                                           [A]User Service API Access                             │
│                           [T]Tail Service Log                                                              [B]Domain Name                                         │
│                           [S]Service Status                                                                [R]Restart Service                                     │
│                           [F]Refund Service                                                                [G]Renew Service                                       │
│                           [P]Pause Service                                                                 [Q]Resume Service                                      │
│                           [H]Update Image                                                                  [C]Container Config                                    │
│                           [U]Update Config                                                                 [V]Update Deployment                                   │
│                           [L]Set Label                                                                     [M]Set Description                                     │
navigate to: c
Please enter the User Service INDEX: 0
Config for Container container1:
stage: test

  authenticationEnable: true
  providerAllowEnable: true

  host: "localhost"
  port: "6379"
  pass: ""
  db: 0
  address: ""

  perm: 0644
  folder: "./subtemplates"
  extension: "yaml"

Press ENTER to continue...

Update Config

  1. Select [1]Show Running User Service in the User Service tab.
  2. Enter u to select [U]Update Config.
  3. Follow the prompt Do you want to update container config for container?, enter y to confirm, and enter the new config file path to update the container config.
  4. Follow the prompt Do you want to update env for container?, enter y to confirm and enter the new env for the container.

For example:

                                              Running User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │     Start Time      │ Duration (HOUR) │   Expiration Time   │ Refundable │  Status   │ Description │ Label │
│   0   │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:10:00 │        52022-11-24 15:10:00 │    True    │ Activated │      -      │ prod  │
│   1   │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:13:00 │        12022-11-24 11:13:00 │    True    │ Activated │  seed desc  │   -   │
│   2   │ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:15:06 │        62022-11-24 16:15:06 │    True    │  Paused   │      -      │ test  │
│                           [P]rev                                                                           [E]xit                                                 │
│                           [D]User Service Detail                                                           [A]User Service API Access                             │
│                           [T]Tail Service Log                                                              [B]Domain Name                                         │
│                           [S]Service Status                                                                [R]Restart Service                                     │
│                           [F]Refund Service                                                                [G]Renew Service                                       │
│                           [P]Pause Service                                                                 [Q]Resume Service                                      │
│                           [H]Update Image                                                                  [C]Container Config                                    │
│                           [U]Update Config                                                                 [V]Update Deployment                                   │
│                           [L]Set Label                                                                     [M]Set Description                                     │
navigate to: u
Please enter the User Service INDEX: 1
Do you want to update container config for container t0? (default n) [y/N]: y
Please input the path of your local config file: /Users/user/develop/new-config.yaml
Do you want to update env for container t0? (default n) [y/N]: y
Please input the number of env params you want to set (optional): 2
Please enter the name for env 1(symbols only contain '-', '.', '_' and cannot start with a number): env1
Please enter the value for env1: a
Please enter the name for env 2(symbols only contain '-', '.', '_' and cannot start with a number): env2
Please enter the value for env2: b
Success. Service is restarting. Please wait.
Press ENTER to continue...

Update Deployment

  1. Select [1]Show Running User Service in the User Service tab.
  2. Enter u to selecet [V]Update Deployment. Then enter the index number of the user service to update deployment.
  3. For more information about deployment of a service, please turn to Start Service

Pause Service

  1. Select [1]Show Running User Service in the User Service tab.
  2. Enter p to selecet [P]Pause Service, enter the index number of the user service and enter y to confirm.
  3. Enter q to selecet [Q]Resume Service, enter the index number of the user service and enter y to confirm.

For example:

                                              Running User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │     Start Time      │ Duration (HOUR) │   Expiration Time   │ Refundable │  Status   │ Description │ Label │
│   0   │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:10:00 │        52022-11-24 15:10:00 │    True    │ Activated │      -      │ prod  │
│   1   │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:13:00 │        12022-11-24 11:13:00 │    True    │ Activated │  seed desc  │   -   │
│   2   │ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:15:06 │        62022-11-24 16:15:06 │    True    │  Paused   │      -      │ test  │
│                           [P]rev                                                                           [E]xit                                                 │
│                           [D]User Service Detail                                                           [A]User Service API Access                             │
│                           [T]Tail Service Log                                                              [B]Domain Name                                         │
│                           [S]Service Status                                                                [R]Restart Service                                     │
│                           [F]Refund Service                                                                [G]Renew Service                                       │
│                           [P]Pause Service                                                                 [Q]Resume Service                                      │
│                           [H]Update Image                                                                  [C]Container Config                                    │
│                           [U]Update Config                                                                 [V]Update Deployment                                   │
│                           [L]Set Label                                                                     [M]Set Description                                     │
navigate to: p
Please enter the Service INDEX: 0
Are you sure you want to pause the user service? (default n) [y/N]: y
Success. Service is pausing. Please wait.
Press ENTER to continue...

Set Label and Description

  1. Select [1]Show Running User Service in the User Service tab.
  2. Enter l to selecet [L]Set Label, enter the index number of the user service and then enter the label you want to set.
  3. Enter m to selecet [M]Set Description, enter the index number of the user service and then enter the description you want to set.

For example:

                                              Running User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │     Start Time      │ Duration (HOUR) │   Expiration Time   │ Refundable │  Status   │ Description │ Label │
│   0   │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:10:00 │        52022-11-24 15:10:00 │    True    │ Activated │      -      │ prod  │
│   1   │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:13:00 │        12022-11-24 11:13:00 │    True    │ Activated │  seed desc  │   -   │
│   2   │ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:15:06 │        62022-11-24 16:15:06 │    True    │  Paused   │      -      │ test  │
│                           [P]rev                                                                           [E]xit                                                 │
│                           [D]User Service Detail                                                           [A]User Service API Access                             │
│                           [T]Tail Service Log                                                              [B]Domain Name                                         │
│                           [S]Service Status                                                                [R]Restart Service                                     │
│                           [F]Refund Service                                                                [G]Renew Service                                       │
│                           [P]Pause Service                                                                 [Q]Resume Service                                      │
│                           [H]Update Image                                                                  [C]Container Config                                    │
│                           [U]Update Config                                                                 [V]Update Deployment                                   │
│                           [L]Set Label                                                                     [M]Set Description                                     │
navigate to: l
Please enter the Service INDEX: 1
Please enter the label for 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9: prod
Success. Press ENTER to continue...

Renew Service

  1. Select [1]Show Running User Service in the User Service tab.
  2. Enter g to select [G]Renew Service.
  3. Enter the index number of the user services you want to renew and then enter the renewal duration. Enter an empty space to cancel renewal.
  4. The renewal duration and amount for each service will be displayed in the table.
  5. Enter y to create the renew order.
  6. You can enter y to pay for this order directly (refer to Order payment), or just enter an empty to exit and pay later.

For example:

                                              Running User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │     Start Time      │ Duration (HOUR) │   Expiration Time   │ Refundable │  Status   │ Description │ Label │
│   0   │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:10:00 │        52022-11-24 15:10:00 │    True    │ Activated │      -      │ prod  │
│   1   │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:13:00 │        12022-11-24 11:13:00 │    True    │ Activated │  seed desc  │   -   │
│   2   │ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:15:06 │        62022-11-24 16:15:06 │    True    │  Paused   │      -      │ test  │
│                           [P]rev                                                                           [E]xit                                                 │
│                           [D]User Service Detail                                                           [A]User Service API Access                             │
│                           [T]Tail Service Log                                                              [B]Domain Name                                         │
│                           [S]Service Status                                                                [R]Restart Service                                     │
│                           [F]Refund Service                                                                [G]Renew Service                                       │
│                           [P]Pause Service                                                                 [Q]Resume Service                                      │
│                           [H]Update Image                                                                  [C]Container Config                                    │
│                           [U]Update Config                                                                 [V]Update Deployment                                   │
│                           [L]Set Label                                                                     [M]Set Description                                     │
navigate to: g
Please input the service index or press enter to stop:2
Please enter the renewal duration number: : 7
Please input the service index or press enter to stop:1
Please enter the renewal duration number: : 3
Please input the service index or press enter to stop:
                 Renewal Amount
│     User Service ID      │ Duration │ Amount │
│ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │    7700   │
│ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │    3300   │
│          Total           │    -     │  1000  │
Are you sure you want to create the renewal order(default n) [y/N]:y
╭──────────── ! New Order Created ! ─────────────╮
│       Order ID: 63a029afbf1a142380a26c8a       │
│ Recipient: ATzEKTyXMeaw6akwl9wibabwPlaYkaQvdja │
│                  Amount: 1000                  │
Press ENTER to continue...
Do you want to pay this renewal order directly?(default n) [y/N]:y
                  Choose Payment Method
│ Index │ Payment Method │ Exchange Rate │ Total Amount │
│   0   │      vsys      │      100100000    │
│   1   │       yt       │      1010000     │
Please choose a payment method and enter the INDEX: 0
Please enter the amount(vsys): 100
+ Successful Payment! +
Recipient:        : ATzEKTyXMeaw6akwl9wibabwPlaYkaQvdja
Amount            : 100
Press ENTER to continue...

Get Notice Message

  1. Select [5]Show Notice Message in the User Service tab.
  2. Enter a user service id to its notice message, or just enter an empty space to view all notification messages.

For example:

||     _    _                  _____                 _              ||
||    | |  | |                / ____|               (_)             ||
||    | |  | |___  ___ _ __  | (___   ___ _ ____   ___  ___ ___     ||
||    | |  | / __|/ _ \ '__|  \___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / |/ __/ _ \    ||
||    | |__| \__ \  __/ |     ____) |  __/ |   \ V /| | (_|  __/    ||
||     \____/|___/\___|_|    |_____/ \___|_|    \_/ |_|\___\___|    ||
||                                                                  ||
||                                                                  ||
[B] Press B to UpperLevel
[1]    Show Running User Service
[2]    Show Usable User Service
[3]    Show Past User Service
[4]    Show Abort User Service
[5]    Show Notice Message

Please Select Your Choice: 5
Please enter the user service id for search (default All):
              User Service Notice Information Table
│        Time         │        Service ID        │ Notice Type │
│ 2022-11-24 18:10:27 │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │  Restarted  │
│ 2022-11-23 11:54:42 │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │  Restarted  │
│ 2022-10-17 16:37:18 │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │  Restarted  │
│ 2022-07-20 10:14:36 │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │  Restarted  │

Bind Email

After binding an email, you can receive email notifications when notices are generated. You can configure a default email for the entire wallet account, or bind separate emails for user services. You can re-bind the email for your wallet account or user services.

Bind User Email

  1. Select [6]User Email in the User Service tab.
  2. Enter g to select [G]Renew Service. Press enter to continue if you don't have a verification code.
  3. Enter your email and then enter the verification code you received to complete the binding process.

For example:

│                       [P]rev                                                     [E]xit                              │
│                       [B]Bind Email                                                                                  │
navigate to: b
Do you have the verification code already? (default N)[Y/n]:
Please input your email: example@gmail.com
The verification code has been sent to your email (valid for 5 minutes).
Please input the verification code: 445536
Success. Press ENTER to continue...
                                                       User Email
                    │               Address               │       Email       │     Update Time     │
                    │ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx │ example@gmail.com │ 2024-01-15 10:00:01 │
│                      [P]rev                                                     [E]xit                               │
│                      [B]Bind Email                                              [U]Unbind Email                      │

Bind Service Email

  1. Select [1]Show Running User Service in the User Service tab.
  2. Enter n to select [N]Email. Enter the index number of the user service to check its email.
  3. Enter b to select [B]Bind Email. Press enter to continue if you don't have a verification code.
  4. Enter your email and then enter the verification code you received to complete the binding process.

For example:

                                              Running User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │     Start Time      │ Duration (HOUR) │   Expiration Time   │ Refundable │  Status   │ Description │ Label │
│   0   │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:10:00 │        52022-11-24 15:10:00 │    True    │ Activated │      -      │ prod  │
│   1   │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:13:00 │        12022-11-24 11:13:00 │    True    │ Activated │  seed desc  │   -   │
│   2   │ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:15:06 │        62022-11-24 16:15:06 │    True    │  Paused   │      -      │ test  │
│                           [P]rev                                                                           [E]xit                                                 │
│                           [D]User Service Detail                                                           [A]User Service API Access                             │
│                           [T]Tail Service Log                                                              [B]Domain Name                                         │
│                           [S]Service Status                                                                [R]Restart Service                                     │
│                           [F]Refund Service                                                                [G]Renew Service                                       │
│                           [P]Pause Service                                                                 [Q]Resume Service                                      │
│                           [H]Update Image                                                                  [C]Container Config                                    │
│                           [U]Update Config                                                                 [V]Update Deployment                                   │
│                           [L]Set Label                                                                     [M]Set Description                                     │
│                           [N]Email                                                                                                                                │
Please enter the Service INDEX: 0
No Data
│                       [P]rev                                                     [E]xit                              │
│                       [B]Bind Email                                                                                  │
navigate to: b
Do you have the verification code already? (default N)[Y/n]:
Please input your email: example@gmail.com
The verification code has been sent to your email (valid for 5 minutes).
Please input the verification code: 428886
Success. Press ENTER to continue...
                                                      Service Email
                                     │     User Service ID      │       Email       │
                                     │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ example@gmail.com │
│                      [P]rev                                                     [E]xit                               │
│                      [B]Bind Email                                              [U]Unbind Email                      │

Unbind Email

  1. Enter u to select [U]Unbind Email.
  2. Enter y to confirm unbinding.

For example:

                                                       User Email
                    │               Address               │       Email       │     Update Time     │
                    │ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx │ example@gmail.com │ 2024-01-15 10:00:01 │
│                      [P]rev                                                     [E]xit                               │
│                      [B]Bind Email                                              [U]Unbind Email                      │
navigate to: u
Are you sure you want to unbind the email? (default N)[y/N]: y
Success. Press ENTER to continue...
Last Updated: 1/23/2024, 6:43:59 AM