Purchase Procedure


The following will take V Kube Service as example to show the purchase procedure

List available services

  1. In Main Services screen, enter 1 to select [1]Market Service and then enter 1 to select [1]Get Service Provider Information.
  2. In the Provider list that is displayed, select the service provider you want to purchase cloud services from.
  3. Enter c to select [C]hoose Provider with index and enter the index number of the example-provider, it will display the cloud service category provided by example-provider.
  4. Enter c to select [C]hoose Provider with index and enter the index number of the cloud service category and then you can get the details of the cloud service.

For example:

  1. In Main Services screen, select [1]Market Service and get the service provider information.
||     __  __       _          _____                 _                   ||
||    |  \/  |     (_)        / ____|               (_)                  ||
||    | \  / | __ _ _ _ __   | (___   ___ _ ____   ___  ___ ___  ___     ||
||    | |\/| |/ _` | | '_ \   \___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / |/ __/ _ \/ __|    ||
||    | |  | | (_| | | | | |  ____) |  __/ |   \ V /| | (_|  __/\__ \    ||
||    |_|  |_|\__,_|_|_| |_| |_____/ \___|_|    \_/ |_|\___\___||___/    ||
||                                                                       ||
||                                                                       ||
[1]    Market Service
[2]    Order Service
[3]    Wallet Service
[4]    User Service
[5]    Cart Service
[6]    About Vcloud

Please Select Your Choice: 1

||     __  __            _        _      _____                 _              ||
||    |  \/  |          | |      | |    / ____|               (_)             ||
||    | \  / | __ _ _ __| | _____| |_  | (___   ___ _ ____   ___  ___ ___     ||
||    | |\/| |/ _` | '__| |/ / _ \ __|  \___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / |/ __/ _ \    ||
||    | |  | | (_| | |  |   <  __/ |_   ____) |  __/ |   \ V /| | (_|  __/    ||
||    |_|  |_|\__,_|_|  |_|\_\___|\__| |_____/ \___|_|    \_/ |_|\___\___|    ||
||                                                                            ||
||                                                                            ||
[B] Press B to UpperLevel
[1]    Get Service Provider Information
[2]    Make An Order

Please Select Your Choice: 1
  1. Enter the index number to select the service provider
                               Service Provider Information
│ Index │ Provider Name  │ Wallet Address                 │ Provided Service Category     │
│       │                │                                │ Name                          │
│ 0     │example-provider│ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx… │ example-service               │
│       │                │                                │                               │
│        [P]rev                                      [E]xit                               │
│        [C]hoose Provider with Index                [B]ack to Top Menu                   │
navigate to: c
Please enter the provider INDEX: 0
  1. Enter the index number to select the service category
                                                    Service Category Information
│ Index │ Service        │ Provider       │ Category Name     │ Service Type    │ Service Options                 │ Description    │
│       │ Category ID    │                │                   │                 │                                 │                │
│ 0     │ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx │example-provider│ example-service   │ example-service │ example-options:                │   example      │
│       │                │                │                   │                 |                                 |                |
│                  [P]rev                                                           [E]xit                                         │
│                  [C]Choose Category with Index                                    [B]Back to Top Menu                            │
navigate to: c
Please enter the Category INDEX: : 0
  1. View cloud service detail
                                                                                                Service Type Information
│ Index │ Service ID                           │ Service         │ Service Name     │ Service Options                 │ Available Service API │ Refundable │ Duration To Price                       │ Description     │
│       │                                      │ Provider        │                  │                                 │                       │            │                                         │                 │
│ 0...                                  │ ...             │ ...              │ ...                             │ ...                   │ ...        │ ...                                     │ ...             │
│               [P]rev                                                           [E]xit                                            │
│               [O]Make An Order                                                 [I]Make An Order by choosing index                │
│               [C]Add Service to Cart                                           [S]Show Cart Table                                │
│               [B]Back to Top Menu                                                                                                │
navigate to:

Add cloud service to Cart

  1. In the cloud service details screen, enter c and select [C] Add Service to Cart, and enter the index number of the cloud service to be added in the current page.

  2. Choose the appropriate option according to the specifications of the cloud service you need, different options will have different charges.

For example:

                                                                                                Service Type Information
│ Index │ Service ID                           │ Service         │ Service Name     │ Service Options                 │ Available Service API │ Refundable │ Duration To Price                       │ Description     │
│       │                                      │ Provider        │                  │                                 │                       │            │                                         │                 │
│ 0     │ xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx │ example-service │ Container        │ persistStorage:                 │ API Types             │ True       │ Price: 100                              │ Documentation   │
│       │                                      │                 │ Service          │     No                          │ normal API:           │            │ Charging Service Options:               │ for user to use │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │     Yes                         │ secret API:           │            │         resourceUnit: 1-Unit-Resource   │ this service:   │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │ portSpecification:              │                       │            │ Price Factor for Different Time Period: │ http:xxxxxxx    │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │     User Specified Service Port │                       │            │         100 hour: 0.9                   │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │     System Random Map Port      │                       │            │         200 hour: 0.85                  │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │ region:                         │                       │            │                                         │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │     North America               │                       │            │ ======================================= │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │     Europe                      │                       │            │ Price: 200                              │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │ resourceUnit:                   │                       │            │ Charging Service Options:               │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │     1-Unit-Resource             │                       │            │         resourceUnit: 2-Unit-Resource   │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │     2-Unit-Resource             │                       │            │ Price Factor for Different Time Period: │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │     4-Unit-Resource             │                       │            │         100 hour: 0.9                   │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │     8-Unit-Resource             │                       │            │         200 hour: 0.85                  │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │     16-Unit-Resource            │                       │            │                                         │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │ ======================================= │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │ Price: 500                              │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │ Charging Service Options:               │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │         resourceUnit: 4-Unit-Resource   │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │ Price Factor for Different Time Period: │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │         100 hour: 0.9                   │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │         200 hour: 0.85                  │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │                                         │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │ ======================================= │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │ Price: 800                              │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │ Charging Service Options:               │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │         resourceUnit: 8-Unit-Resource   │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │ Price Factor for Different Time Period: │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │         100 hour: 0.9                   │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │         200 hour: 0.85                  │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │                                         │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │ ======================================= │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │ Price: 1600                             │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │ Charging Service Options:               │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │         resourceUnit: 16-Unit-Resource  │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │ Price Factor for Different Time Period: │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │         100 hour: 0.9                   │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │         200 hour: 0.85                  │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │                                         │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │ ======================================= │                 │
│       │                                      │                 │                  │                                 │                       │            │                                         │                 │
│               [P]rev                                                           [E]xit                                            │
│               [O]Make An Order                                                 [I]Make An Order by choosing index                │
│               [C]Add Service to Cart                                           [S]Show Cart Table                                │
│               [B]Back to Top Menu                                                                                                │
navigate to: c
Please enter the service INDEX: : 0
Choose service option for persistStorage:
1 -- No
2 -- Yes

Please choose a number: 2
Choose service option for portSpecification:
1 -- User Specified Service Port
2 -- System Random Map Port

Please choose a number: 1
Choose service option for region:
1 -- North America
2 -- Europe

Please choose a number: 1
Choose service option for resourceUnit:
1 -- 1-Unit-Resource
2 -- 2-Unit-Resource
3 -- 4-Unit-Resource
4 -- 8-Unit-Resource
5 -- 16-Unit-Resource

Please choose a number: 1

Please choose the time duration (HOUR) on the left.
The right side is the corresponding price factor.
0: Enter A Custom Expiration Date in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
100 : 0.9
200 : 0.85

Please enter the time duration number: 12
Success. Press ENTER to continue...

Enter the Cart

  1. Select [5]Cart Service in Main Services screen, and then select [1]Show cart list to display the shopping cart.

For example:

||     __  __       _          _____                 _                   ||
||    |  \/  |     (_)        / ____|               (_)                  ||
||    | \  / | __ _ _ _ __   | (___   ___ _ ____   ___  ___ ___  ___     ||
||    | |\/| |/ _` | | '_ \   \___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / |/ __/ _ \/ __|    ||
||    | |  | | (_| | | | | |  ____) |  __/ |   \ V /| | (_|  __/\__ \    ||
||    |_|  |_|\__,_|_|_| |_| |_____/ \___|_|    \_/ |_|\___\___||___/    ||
||                                                                       ||
||                                                                       ||
[1]    Market Service
[2]    Order Service
[3]    Wallet Service
[4]    User Service
[5]    Cart Service
[6]    About Vcloud

Please Select Your Choice: 5
||      _____           _      _____                 _              ||
||     / ____|         | |    / ____|               (_)             ||
||    | |     __ _ _ __| |_  | (___   ___ _ ____   ___  ___ ___     ||
||    | |    / _` | '__| __|  \___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / |/ __/ _ \    ||
||    | |___| (_| | |  | |_   ____) |  __/ |   \ V /| | (_|  __/    ||
||     \_____\__,_|_|   \__| |_____/ \___|_|    \_/ |_|\___\___|    ||
||                                                                  ||
||                                                                  ||
[B] Press B to UpperLevel
[1]    Show cart list

Please Select Your Choice: 1
                                                                  Cart List
│ Index │         Service ID         │ Service Provider │   Service Name    │      Service Options      │ Duration │ Expired Date │ Amount │
│   0   │ xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-x… │  example-service │ Container Service │    persistStorage: Yes    │    12    │      -       │  1200  │
│       │                            │                  │                   │  portSpecification: User  │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │  Specified Service Port   │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │   region: North America   │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │       resourceUnit:       │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │      1-Unit-Resource      │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │                           │          │              │        │
│ total │             -              │        -         │         -         │             -             │    -     │      -       │  1200  │
│                  [P]rev                                                               [E]xit                                             │
│                  [O]Make Order from Cart                                              [R]Remove Order by Choosing Index                  │
│                  [B]Back to Top Menu                                                                                                     │
  1. Or you can display the shopping cart directly by selecting [S] Show Cart Table in the cloud service details screen.

For example:

                                                                                                Service Type Information
│ Index │ Service ID                           │ Service         │ Service Name     │ Service Options                 │ Available Service API │ Refundable │ Duration To Price                       │ Description     │
│       │                                      │ Provider        │                  │                                 │                       │            │                                         │                 │
│ 0...                                  │ ...             │ ...              │ ...                             │ ...                   │ ...        │ ...                                     │ ...             │
│               [P]rev                                                           [E]xit                                            │
│               [O]Make An Order                                                 [I]Make An Order by choosing index                │
│               [C]Add Service to Cart                                           [S]Show Cart Table                                │
│               [B]Back to Top Menu                                                                                                │
navigate to: s
                                                                  Cart List
│ Index │         Service ID         │ Service Provider │   Service Name    │      Service Options      │ Duration │ Expired Date │ Amount │
│   0   │ xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-x… │  example-service │ Container Service │    persistStorage: Yes    │    12    │      -       │  1200  │
│       │                            │                  │                   │  portSpecification: User  │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │  Specified Service Port   │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │   region: North America   │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │       resourceUnit:       │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │      1-Unit-Resource      │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │                           │          │              │        │
│ total │             -              │        -         │         -         │             -             │    -     │      -       │  1200  │
│                  [P]rev                                                               [E]xit                                             │
│                  [O]Make Order from Cart                                              [R]Remove Order by Choosing Index                  │
│                  [B]Back to Top Menu                                                                                                     │

Remove order from cart

For cloud services that have been added to the cart but are no longer needed, they can be removed from the shopping cart.

  1. Select [R] Remove Order by Choosing Index.
  2. Enter the index number of the cloud service you want to remove.
                                                                  Cart List
│ Index │         Service ID         │ Service Provider │   Service Name    │      Service Options      │ Duration │ Expired Date │ Amount │
│   0   │ xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-x… │  example-service │ Container Service │    persistStorage: Yes    │    12    │      -       │  1200  │
│       │                            │                  │                   │  portSpecification: User  │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │  Specified Service Port   │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │   region: North America   │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │       resourceUnit:       │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │      1-Unit-Resource      │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │                           │          │              │        │
│ total │             -              │        -         │         -         │             -             │    -     │      -       │  1200  │
│                  [P]rev                                                               [E]xit                                             │
│                  [O]Make Order from Cart                                              [R]Remove Order by Choosing Index                  │
│                  [B]Back to Top Menu                                                                                                     │
navigate to: r
Please enter the order INDEX: : 0

Create order from Cart

Select [O]Make Order from Cart in the shopping cart screen to create an order for the cloud services currently in your shopping cart.

For example:

Please Select Your Choice: 1
                                                                  Cart List
│ Index │         Service ID         │ Service Provider │   Service Name    │      Service Options      │ Duration │ Expired Date │ Amount │
│   0   │ xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-x… │  example-service │ Container Service │    persistStorage: Yes    │    12    │      -       │  1200  │
│       │                            │                  │                   │  portSpecification: User  │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │  Specified Service Port   │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │   region: North America   │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │       resourceUnit:       │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │      1-Unit-Resource      │          │              │        │
│       │                            │                  │                   │                           │          │              │        │
│ total │             -              │        -         │         -         │             -             │    -     │      -       │  1200  │
│                  [P]rev                                                               [E]xit                                             │
│                  [O]Make Order from Cart                                              [R]Remove Order by Choosing Index                  │
│                  [B]Back to Top Menu                                                                                                     │
navigate to: o
                                             ╭──────────── ! New Order Created ! ─────────────╮
                                             │       Order ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       │
                                             │ Recipient: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx │
                                             │                  Amount: xxxx                  │
Press ENTER to continue...

Order payment

Select [2]Order Service in Main Services screen, the sub-services of Order Service will be displayed

  • [1]Show pending Order: list all orders under Pending status of the current wallet address. Pending means that the orders have not been paid or only partially paid.
  • [2]Show Paid Order: list all orders under Paid status of the current wallet address.
  • [3]Show Filed Order: list all orders under Filed status of the current wallet address. Filed means that the orders have been successfully paid in full.
  • [4]Show Order Detail: enter the OrderID to query the detail information of the order.

Order payment process:

  1. Select [1]Show Pending Order in the Order Service screen to view the orders that have been created but not paid yet.
  2. Select [M]Pay An Order and enter the index number of the order to be paid.
  3. According to the displayed payment method and amount, choose the payment method you want to use and enter the index number.
  4. Enter the payment amount.
  5. Enter y to confirm the payment.

For example:

||      ____          _              _____                 _              ||
||     / __ \        | |            / ____|               (_)             ||
||    | |  | |_ __ __| | ___ _ __  | (___   ___ _ ____   ___  ___ ___     ||
||    | |  | | '__/ _` |/ _ \ '__|  \___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / |/ __/ _ \    ||
||    | |__| | | | (_| |  __/ |     ____) |  __/ |   \ V /| | (_|  __/    ||
||     \____/|_|  \__,_|\___|_|    |_____/ \___|_|    \_/ |_|\___\___|    ||
||                                                                        ||
||                                                                        ||
[B] Press B to UpperLevel
[1]    Show Pending Order
[2]    Show Paid Order
[3]    Show Filed Order
[4]    Show Order Detail
[5]    Pay An Order

Please Select Your Choice: 1
                              Pending Order Information Table --- Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  Index     Provider             Order ID            Order Type    Order Status     Creation      Recipient     Amount (USD)   Amount Paid
                                                                                      Time         Address                           (USD)
    0     example-ser…   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   OrderTypePu…   OrderPending    2022-12-21    xxxxxxxxxxx…           1000             0

│                        [P]rev                                                               [E]xit                                       │
│                        [N]ext                                                               [R]Refresh                                   │
│                        [S]Show Order Detail                                                 [M]Pay An Order                              │
navigate to: m
Please enter the Order INDEX: 0
                  Choose Payment Method
│ Index │ Payment Method │ Exchange Rate │ Total Amount │
│   0   │      vsys      │    333.34333340    │
│   1   │       yt       │      1010000     │
Please choose a payment method and enter the INDEX: 0
Please enter the amount(vsys): 333340
+ Successful Payment! +
Recipient:        : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Amount            : 333340
Press ENTER to continue...
Last Updated: 2/16/2023, 8:54:23 AM