V Cloud Platform API Guide
We provide api for querying service provider, service category, service type information and order information. V Cloud market command line and merchant endpoint will interact with the platform through these apis.
- Provider Information
- Service Category Information
- Service Type Information
- Upload Service Template
- Order Information
Create Provider Information
It is highly recommended to use service template for service registration.
POST /api/v1/service/provider
Request Body
"name": "provider-name",
"id": "provider-name",
"walletAddress": "ATxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaaddfsawrEDAs",
"apiHost": "some-ip-domain-host",
"category2ID": {
"category-name-1": "category-id-1"
Field Name | Type | Required | Explanation |
name | string | True | provider-name |
id | string | True | the same as provider name, provider id |
walletAddress | string | True | provider wallet address |
apiHost | string | True | api host for user service |
category2ID | dict | False | mapping of category name to category id |
Query Provider Information
GET /api/v1/service/provider?
Fields of Query Parameters
Field Name | Type | Explanation |
id | string | provider id |
name | string | provider name, the same as above |
walletAddress | string | get provider info by walletAddress |
current | number | current page number |
pageSize | number | size of a page information |
Status: 200 OK
"list": [
"name": "provider-name",
"walletAddress": "ATzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxebud",
"signAddress": "ATzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxebud",
"id": "provider-name",
"apiHost": "http://localhost:3001",
"category2ID": {
"Container-Service": "0ac3d8e1-d803-4af3-8cd2-f87939131b37",
"Container-Service-Working": "a242e27a-5bba-4e2c-a7f4-92cced21ff71"
"pagination": {
"total": 1,
"current": 1,
"pageSize": 10
Fields of Provider Item in list
The list contains an array of provider information dict. The following is the fields for each provider.
Field Name | Type | Explanation |
name | string | name of a provider, should be unique |
walletAddress | string | vsys wallet address of the provider |
signAddress | string | the address to sign the request when provider uploads service template |
id | string | provider id, the same as name field,should be unique |
apiHost | string | provider SDK server host for retrieving user service information |
category2ID | dict | matching between category name and category id |
Fields of pagination
Field Name | Type | Explanation |
total | number | total number of providers |
current | number | current page of provider information |
pageSize | number | page size |
Get Provider Information
GET /api/v1/service/provider/:id
Status: 200 OK
"name": "v-kube-service",
"walletAddress": "ATxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxebud",
"signAddress": "ATxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxebud",
"id": "v-kube-service",
"apiHost": "http://localhost:3001",
"category2ID": {
"Container-Service": "0ac3d8e1-d803-4af3-8cd2-f87939131b37",
"Container-Service-Working": "a242e27a-5bba-4e2c-a7f4-92cced21ff71"
The field explanation please refer to provider fields
Create Service Category
It is highly recommended to use service template for service registration.
POST /api/v1/service/category
Request Body
"provider": "provider-name",
"name": "category-name",
"serviceOptions": {
"custom-field-1": "custom-value-1"
"description": "some-description",
"name2ID": {
"service-type-name-1": "service-type-id-1"
"apiHost": "service-type-backup-api-host"
Field Name | Type | Required | Explanation |
provider | string | True | provider that this service category belongs to |
name | string | True | service category name, it is unique under a provider |
serviceOptions | dict | False | service options that this service category provides |
description | string | False | description for user to understand service that this category provides. |
name2ID | dict | False | mapping of service type name to service id |
apiHost | string | False | backup api host for service type under this category |
Query Service Category Information
GET /api/v1/service/category?
Fields of Query Parameter
Field Name | Type | Explanation |
ids | string[] | a list of id string |
provider | string | provider name |
name | string | category name |
current | number | current page number |
pageSize | number | page size |
Status: 200 OK
"list": [
"categoryID": "0ac3d8e1-d803-4af3-8cd2-f87939131b37",
"provider": "provider-name",
"name": "Container-Service",
"serviceOptions": {
"custom-options-1": [
"custom-options-2": [
"description": "Deploy docker images to k8s cluster",
"name2ID": {
"Container Service": "af91f22a-ffcf-4e8c-9a83-f1f6bcc8bf6e"
"apiHost": ""
"pagination": {
"total": 2,
"current": 1,
"pageSize": 10
Fields of service category item in list
Field Name | Type | Explanation |
categoryID | string | service category id |
provider | string | service provider that this category belongs to |
name | string | service category name, should be unique under the provider |
serviceOptions | dict | a dictionary of string to string list mapping holding service option fields and corresponding available values |
description | string | service category description |
name2ID | dict | a dictionary of string to string mapping for service type name and id |
apiHost | string | a backup host for service type under this service category |
The pagination
field explanation please refer to pagination fields
Get Service Category
GET /api/v1/service/category/:id
Status: 200 OK
"categoryID": "0ac3d8e1-d803-4af3-8cd2-f87939131b37",
"provider": "provider-name",
"name": "Container-Service",
"serviceOptions": {
"custom-options-1": [
"custom-options-2": [
"description": "Deploy docker images to k8s cluster",
"name2ID": {
"Container Service": "af91f22a-ffcf-4e8c-9a83-f1f6bcc8bf6e"
"apiHost": ""
The field explanation is the same as the item response from querying. For detail, please refer to service category fields
Create Service Type
POST /api/v1/service/category
Request Body
"name": "service-type-name",
"durationToPrice": [
"price": 100,
"charingOptions": {
"custom-field-1": "custom-value"
"duration": {
1: 1
20: 0.99
100: 0.89
"provider": "provider-name",
"refundable": true,
"categoryID": "0ac3d8e1-d803-4af3-8cd2-f87939131b37",
"category": "category-name-1",
"serviceOptions": {
"custom-field-1": [
"serviceAPI": {
"start": "some-lua-script",
"stop": "some-lua-script",
"refund": "some-lua-script",
"normal": {
"api-name": "/api/v1/some/function"
"secret": {
"api-name": "/api/v1/some/secret/func"
"description": "go-charger",
"apiHost": ""
Field Name | Type | Required | Explanation |
name | string | True | service type name, should be unique under a service category |
durationToPrice | object | True | base price with service duration to discount faction. |
provider | string | True | provide name |
refundable | bool | True | if this service type is able to refund |
categoryID | string | True | service category id |
category | string | True | service category name |
serviceOptions | dict | False | service options for this service type |
serviceAPI | object | False | available api for user after buying the service |
description | string | False | service type description |
apiHost | string | False | api host for user to use service |
Fields of durationToPrice
Field Name | Type | Required | Explanation |
price | number | False | price value per hour |
chargingOptions | map[string]string | False | options that make price different |
duration | map[int]float | False | service duration to discount faction |
Fields of serviceAPI
Field Name | Type | Required | Explanation |
start | string | False | lua script for service starting, script has to be url encoded. |
stop | string | False | lua script for service ending, script has to be url encoded. |
refund | string | False | lua script for custom service refund, script has to be url encoded. |
normal | map[string]string | False | api name to api path mapping. It is for user who bought the service. |
secret | map[string]string | False | api name to api path mapping. It is for user who bought the service. It needs authentication |
Query Service Type Information
GET /api/v1/service/type?
Fields of Query Parameter
Field Name | Type | Explanation |
ids | string[] | a list of id string |
provider | string | provider name |
category | string | get service type in this service category name |
name | string | get service type by name |
minPrice | float | get service type that its base price is larger than minPrice |
maxPrice | float | get service type that its base price is smaller than maxPrice |
current | number | current page |
pageSize | number | page size |
Status: 200 OK
"list": [
"id": "af91f22a-ffcf-4e8c-9a83-f1f6bcc8bf6e",
"name": "Container Service",
"durationToPrice": [
"price": 100,
"chargingOptions": {
"custom-options-1": "value-1"
"duration": {
"100": 0.9,
"200": 0.85
"price": 200,
"chargingOptions": {
"custom-options-1": "value-2"
"duration": {
"100": 0.9,
"200": 0.85
"price": 500,
"chargingOptions": {
"custom-options-1": "value-3"
"duration": {
"100": 0.9,
"200": 0.85
"provider": "provider-name",
"refundable": true,
"categoryID": "0ac3d8e1-d803-4af3-8cd2-f87939131b37",
"category": "Container-Service",
"serviceOptions": {
"custom-options-1": [
"custom-options-2": [
"serviceAPI": {
"start": "",
"stop": "",
"refund": "",
"normal": {},
"secret": {}
"description": "Documentation for user to use this service: http:xxxxxxx",
"apiHost": ""
"pagination": {
"total": 1,
"current": 1,
"pageSize": 10
Fields of service type item in list
Field Name | Type | Explanation |
id | string | service type id |
name | string | service type name, should be unique among a category |
durationToPrice | object[] | list of different prices for different charging options |
provider | string | provider name that this service type belongs to |
refundable | bool | if this service type supports refund |
categoryID | string | categoryID that this service type belongs to |
serviceOptions | dict | available service options for this service type, referring to service category fields for detail |
serviceAPI | object | supportted api service. User only can see normal and secret field. |
description | string | service type description containing payment procedure and usage tutorial information |
apiHost | string | api host that provides this service |
Fields in a item of durationToPrice
Field Name | Type | Explanation |
price | number | base price for this service (per hour) |
chargingOptions | dict | the service options that determine the base price |
duration | dict | service time and corresponding discount factor |
Fields of serviceAPI
Field Name | Type | Explanation |
normal | dict | usable apis that do not need authentication |
secret | dict | usable apis that need authentication |
Upload Service Template
GET /api/v1/template/add
The server will read the request body for service template and create service information. Please refer to service template explanation for template details.
Query Order Information
GET /api/v1/order?
Fields of Query Parameter
Field Name | Type | Explanation |
id | string | order id |
startFrom | number | starting search timestamp for order |
endAt | number | ending search timestamp for order |
serviceID | string | orders that are related to this service id |
service | string | orders that are related to this service name |
address | string | orders that are related to this address |
recipient | string | orders that are related to this provider address |
statuses[] | string[] | orders that have these order statuses |
serviceActivated | bool | if the user service is activated |
userServiceStartFrom | number | starting search timestamp for user service in order |
userServiceEndAt | number | ending search timestamp for user service in order |
serviceStatuses[] | string[] | orders that have these user service statuses |
current | number | current page number |
pageSize | number | page size |
"list": [
"createdAt": 1622793531,
"updatedAt": 1622801453,
"duration": 1,
"serviceExpiredDate": 0,
"amount": 9.5,
"amountPaid": 9.5,
"serviceID": "53bc15ca-e6f8-42ef-a814-8c5f14d22b79",
"service": "xxxxx Service",
"serviceCategoryID": "a242e27a-5bba-4e2c-a7f4-92cced21ff71",
"provider": "xxxx provider",
"address": "AU2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPXGp5sj",
"recipient": "ATxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxiiEouTebud",
"id": "d9ae2543-3185-4839-bc56-f885aa879881",
"serviceOptions": {
"custom-option-1": "value-1",
"custom-option-2": "value-1"
"status": "OrderFiled",
"lastPaymentTS": 1622793555,
"PaidTS": 1622793555,
"FiledTS": 1622793555,
"completeTS": 1622801452,
"refundTS": 0,
"publicKey": "",
"serviceActivated": false,
"serviceActivateTS": 1622793555,
"endAt": 1622801341,
"serviceStatus": "ServiceDone",
"serviceRunningTS": 1622797741,
"serviceAbortTS": 0,
"serviceDoneTS": 1622801452,
"magic": ""
"pagination": {
"total": 1,
"current": 1,
"pageSize": 10
Fields of order item in list
Field Name | Type | Explanation |
createdAt | number | the created timestamp in database |
updatedAt | number | last updated timestamp in database |
duration | number | time for the service to run in hour |
serviceExpiredDate | number | user defined service ending timestamp |
amount | number | total amount to pay for using service |
amountPaid | number | remaining amount to pay |
serviceID | string | service id of this order |
service | string | service name |
serviceCategoryID | string | service category id |
provider | string | the provider provides this service |
address | string | user address that creates this order |
recipient | string | provider address |
id | string | order id |
serviceOptions | object | refers to service category fields |
status | string | order status |
lastPaymentTS | numner | user's last payment timestamp |
paidTS | number | user's finishing payment timestamp |
filedTS | number | timestamp of provider files service secret token |
completeTS | number | order finished timestamp |
refundTS | number | timestamp of order refund |
publicKey | number | public key to encrypt secret token during filing |
serviceActivated | bool | if the service status is usable |
serviceActivatedTS | number | timestamp of service status is activated |
endAt | number | user service ending timestamp |
serviceStatus | string | user service status |
serviceRunningTS | number | service starts running timestamp |
serviceAbortTS | number | service abort timestamp |
serviceDoneTS | number | service done timestamp |
magic | string | DEPRECIATED |
Get Order Information
GET /api/v1/order/id/:id
Please refer to order fields for response detail.
Create Order Information
User needs to sign their request using VSYS wallet address private key so that they can make a successful request.
Request Body
"amount": 10.0,
"address": "ATxxxxxxxxxxxxxsdflkjkdkdkdk",
"duration": 1,
"serviceExpiredDate": 16903049433,
"serviceID": "0ac3d8e1-d803-4af3-8cd2-f87939131b37",
"serviceOptions": {
"custom-field": "value-1"
Field Name | Type | Required | Explanation |
amount | float | True | the amount that user buys the service |
address | string | False | the address that buys the service |
duration | number | False | the duration of the service, Must have value for one of the field, duration &serviceExpiredDate |
serviceExpiredDate | number | False | the end timestamp when user want to stop the service. |
serviceID | string | True | service id |
serviceOptions | dict | False | user selected service options |