
  1. 在用户服务界面,输入1选择[1]Show Running User Service
  2. 输入f选择[F]Refund Service
  3. 输入要退款的服务序号,最后回车停止输入
  4. 最后输入y确认即可完成这些选中服务的退款


                                              Running User Service Information Table
│ Index │     User Service ID      │   Service Type    │     Start Time      │ Duration (HOUR) │   Expiration Time   │ Refundable │  Status   │ Description │ Label │
│   0   │ 62d76c52b3fwadadwa6e61fc │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:10:00 │        52022-11-24 15:10:00 │    True    │ Activated │      -      │ prod  │
│   1   │ 62df65eggawo21jgddbf90e9 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:13:00 │        12022-11-24 11:13:00 │    True    │ Activated │  seed desc  │   -   │
│   2   │ 63r2213dd18f2b3a37fwa384 │ Container Service │ 2022-11-24 10:15:06 │        62022-11-24 16:15:06 │    True    │  Paused   │      -      │ test  │
│                           [P]rev                                                                           [E]xit                                                 │
│                           [D]User Service Detail                                                           [A]User Service API Access                             │
│                           [T]Tail Service Log                                                              [B]Domain Name                                         │
│                           [S]Service Status                                                                [R]Restart Service                                     │
│                           [F]Refund Service                                                                [G]Renew Service                                       │
│                           [P]Pause Service                                                                 [Q]Resume Service                                      │
│                           [H]Update Image                                                                  [C]Container Config                                    │
│                           [U]Update Config                                                                 [V]Update Deployment                                   │
│                           [L]Set Label                                                                     [M]Set Description                                     │
navigate to: f
Please input the service index or press enter to stop:2
Please input the service index or press enter to stop:1
Please input the service index or press enter to stop:
Are you sure you want to stop and refund the user services(default n) [y/N]: y
Success. Service is refunding. Please wait.
Press ENTER to continue...
上次更新: 2023/12/26 上午10:12:52